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The portraitist is an internationally known artist in the art world as Walter Girotto

Once upon a time workers were not slaves. They worked.
They cultivated an absolute honor, as an honor deserves.
The leg of a chair had to be built correctly.
It was natural, it was intended. It was a record.
It didn’t have to be well built just for the salary, or in proportion to the salary.
It didn’t have to be well built for the boss, for the connoisseurs, or for the boss’ clients.
It had to be well done for itself, in itself, for its own nature.
A returned tradition, raising up from our race’s depths, a history, an absolute, an honor required for that leg to be well built.
And all unseen parts of the chair were approached with the same perfection of the visible parts.
Built under the same principles of cathedrals. And I am the only one - so debased now - who’s making such a fuss about this.
For them, in them, there was no shadow of deliberation.
The work was there. It had to be done well.
It wasn’t about being seen or not.
It was work itself that had to be well done.

The "THE PORTRAITIST" website was created with a great ambition: to capture the great emotions that faces transmit and be able to convey them, giving them to those who choose to commission a portrait, both for themselves and as a special gift to those who love .
It is the artist's desire to be able to please everyone. Always fascinated by the faces and emotions they transmit with their play of light and shadow, he decided to offer the possibility of owning a portrait, made by him, at a cost absolutely within anyone's reach, signing the works only with his name, "Walter".

The artist creates portraits according to your wishes and his inspiration. All it needs are some photos and your comments / wishes. If the commission is accepted (which is not always certain, sorry) his talent and his great experience will create your portrait as surely as you expect.
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